Health starts from within
When we think about our health and how to improve it, the first things that come to mind are two things: an active lifestyle and a balanced diet.
Eating a diet that includes all the nutrients our body needs is vital for the proper functioning of our organism, but unfortunately, we cannot always include in our diet all the foods rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids that our body demands. To make up for this, nutritional supplements select the right ingredients from nature to improve our body's performance and help it to be the best version of itself.
Nutribel was created with the aim of improving existing nutritional supplements on the market. Our products are not only focused on general wellbeing; we have also developed supplements focused on various issues that prevent us from enjoying a full life, such as the effects of menopause and ageing, overweight or the effects of stress on the body.
We want to be the leading brand in the sector in Spain and continue to grow in order to extend our products throughout Europe. To do this, we continue to research with the aim of offering innovative products at the best price on the market, quality products that allow you to activate your metabolism and improve your health naturally.

Taking care of oneself naturally is a way of life
When a new stage in your life begins, your perspective and mentality can change in surprising ways. For me, it was the birth of my son that made me think about my health, because from that moment on, it wasn't just about me, I now had to keep myself vital to accompany my son in his first steps. It was this change that led me to look into the world of nutritional supplements.
Having a healthy lifestyle is essential to feel good, but it is true that, with our daily pace of life, many people find it difficult to do so. This is where nutritional supplements come in.
Taking care of yourself should be a process you enjoy, which is why, after trying many supplements, I decided to launch my own brand and develop a range of products that allow you to take care of yourself naturally.
What are nutritional supplements?
Nutritional supplements are a new concept of health and wellbeing based on the use of oral treatments that provide our bodies with bioactive nutrients of natural origin.
Even in the best of circumstances, it is very difficult to achieve the necessary daily doses of vitamins and nutrients with our usual diet, as some culinary techniques and other substances present in food can inhibit the action of micronutrients. This is why experts recommend taking specific nutritional supplements along with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.
These supplements, made up of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are not present in our diet, are essential for the proper functioning of our body. For example, hyaluronic acid, which plumps, smoothes and moisturises the skin as well as keeping joints in good condition, is present in many vegetables, but if we want to achieve a sufficient dose, we need the help of a supplement such as Collagen Bel.
However, we must remember that nutritional supplements are not miracle products; they will be effective as long as they are accompanied by healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and physical exercise.

What can I get from taking nutritional supplements?
The benefits of nutritional supplements are very varied, as in nature there are countless ingredients with a multitude of properties to improve our health and appearance. To this end, Nutribel conducts research with the aim of finding elements present in the natural environment that activate our metabolism. Below, we will review some of the benefits that Nutribel's range of products can bring you:
Collagen Bel contains hyaluronic acid and magnesium, helping to reduce muscle cramps, relax muscles and reduce the wear and tear caused by age and prolonged physical activity.
As previously mentioned, hyaluronic acid helps to maintain radiant skin. Similarly, the antioxidants present in green tea or Dong Quai help to keep our bones in good condition.
Vitamins and nutrients such as zinc, biotin, and iron prevent hair and nails from falling out and ensure their vitality and good appearance.
Amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine generate endorphins, serotonin, and melatonin, helping our brains function properly and helping us feel good every day.
Fatty acids such as Omega 3 have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Amino acids such as arginine, with anti-carcinogenic properties, help our immune system to keep us healthy.
Every day, more and more people join the Nutribel community to start taking care of themselves naturally. All our products undergo the necessary controls and are tested in renowned centres within the sector. If you have any questions, leave us a comment in the contact section or connect with us on social media.